Bobby Solberg has been bringing joy to residents of assisted living homes, nursing homes and other care communities for over 15 years. Bobby connects with his audience through a caring genuineness of heart and the gift of music that God has given him.

Solberg performs a wide variety of music that spans from present day and reaches back to as early as the 1940's, catering to each audience from a repertoire of songs that range from new and classic country and bluegrass music to standard sing-a-longs, Gospel fauorites, and hits from the 1950's and 60's.

life enrichment coordinator Referrals

Dear Life Enrichment Coordinator,

“Bobby Solberg is a wonderful musician.  He is entertaining and interacts with the residents.  I have seen residents that rarely respond to anything, light up and smile when Bobby sang to them.  Other residents were flattered as he sang directly to them.  The variety of songs from familiar to songs that he wrote were all enjoyed by the residents here at the Fond du Lac Lutheran Home!!  We would gladly welcome Bobby back next time he comes up to Wisconsin!”

~Becky Frize at the Fond du Lac Lutheran Home, Fond du Lac, WI

activity director referrals

Dear  Activity Director,

My name is Rodney Anderson I have been the Activity Director for American Grand Assisted Living Suites for the past two years. In those two years I have worked with Bobby Solberg numerous times. He comes into our facility on a nearly monthly basis.

Bobby’s talent for music is only out shown by his ability to make each of our residents feel like he is singing to just them. It is a very special treat for our residents each time he comes in. He sings a variety of music that everyone can enjoy.

Bobby puts in the extra time and effort to get to know our residents. Many of them feel a connection with him before and after his performances making them that much more enjoyable.

I highly recommend Bobby’s music and companionship for your facility and residents.


Rodney J Anderson 

American Grand Assisted Living

activity director referrals

Dear Activity Director,

My name is Christa Veith and I am the Activity Director at Carolina Manor Assisted Living

in Appleton, WI. I am writing this as a letter of recommendation for Bobby Solberg.

Bobby has been coming to entertain at our facility for a few years, and is one of the best entertainers that we have. When our residents see that Bobby is going to be visiting at our facility, they all get excited to see his smiling face.

He is extremely personable, upbeat, friendly, and is always trying to bring a smile to others.

He is extremely talented at guitar and his vocals are outstanding. He has become very close with the residents and the staff here. He knows most of them by name and incorporates their names into his music, making is even more personal for everyone listening. He has even surprised us a couple of times by bringing his fiddle and sharing his talent.

I also know that Bobby has performed at other places around the area, and I have heard nothing but great things about him. I would most definitely recommend him to play elsewhere, as he is welcome to our facility anytime.

Thank you,

Christa Veith